Your vehicle is in good hands

Latest Equipment
We use the latest equipment to safeguard you and your car.
Car-o-liner Chassis Machine and measuring systems
Car-o-liner Inverter Spot Welders
Festool dustless sanding systems
Launch electronic scanning equipment
Quality Control
Thorough assessment of damage
Quality control checks during and after repairs
Customer satisfaction via online feedback form
I-Car Trained Technicians
We’re committed to the on-going training of our repair technicians.
I-Car Welding certified
I-Car Fundamentals of collision repair
I-Car Aluminium panel and structures damage
I-Car Steel full frame technologies and repair
I-Car Steel utilised structures and technologies
Other Services
Paint Refinishing
Permahyd®Hi-TEC 480, the advanced Spies Hecker waterborne base coat, is a genuine innovation in refinishing and sets new standards in terms of simple processing, short process times and greater versatility in its applications. The Permahyd®Hi-TEC system is based on a totally new, patented hybrid technology. The futuristic mixing colours yield a particularly uniform effect. Numerous colours are available in a more highly pigmented form in order to ensure high opacity.
Air Conditioning
We can service your car’s air conditioning.
Feeling the heat?
It may be a simple case of re-charging the system’s refrigerant.
Electronic Diagnostic Scanning
We have the latest diagnostic scanning equipment to ensure that any error codes incurred during an accident, or during the repair process are correctly cleared from your vehicle’s computer.